At Parrish Children’s Center, we care about each and every family who walks through the front door. We will go above and beyond to help you find what you are looking for. If you are looking for something else that we do not offer here, we will do our best to provide you with community resources or refer you to one of partner agencies. We pride ourselves in family support and education.
As parents, you are the single best advocate for your child. The Children’s Center is here because of parents telling us that’s what their children needed. We want to be a partner with you in advocating for your child. Please call 321-264-0855 if you need support or a listening ear.
Community Resources
Parenting in today’s world can be challenging. Our goal is to offer educational information, resources and support for raising healthy children. Professional speakers may focus on behavior, nutrition, health and wellness, family activities, language development, technology, community resources, and more. Check out our calendar page to see what programs and events are coming up.
This program utilizes professionals in the community to teach the children about nutrition, exercise, sleep hygiene, yoga, self-soothing activities and overall wellness. This program runs bi-weekly year round. Both the 3-year-old class and the 4-5-year-old class participate in this program.
Contact Helen Duane at 321-268-6808 or helen.duane@parrishmed.com with questions. Helen Duane is a licensed mental health counselor.
This program is designed to nurture a love of physical activity, provide an introduction to classroom-based gardening and nutrition, and encourage healthy eating in children ages 3-5. Modeled after the nationally recognized CATCH Program, CEC provides an environment where physical activity, healthy education, gardening and healthy eating behaviors are valued and taught. This countywide effort involves over 2,000 preschool children. Funding for this program was provided by a grant from the Florida Blue Foundation. Please contact Kathy Simonsen at 321-264-0855 or kathy.simonsen@parrishmed.com for more information or if you would like to start up a program.
Join us for a casual discussion about advanced directives, power of attorney, wills, living wills and all of the often scary conversations about death and dying.
View DetailsAWAKE—Alert, Well and Keeping Energetic—is a health awareness group for those with sleep disorders. The group is dedicated to exchanging information and increasing awareness of sleep, sleeping disorders and related health concerns. Everyone with a ...
View DetailsCaregiving is a rewarding, yet demanding labor of love. Join us to learn how to care for yourself while you care for your loved one.
View DetailsThis group is for cancer patients, cancer survivors and anyone touched by the disease. Enjoy refreshments and talk with others sharing similar situations and experiences.
View DetailsThis support group is for anyone age 18 and older with diabetes. Join us for tips to live better with this disease.
View DetailsDecoding Diabetes | Free Community Education Class Diabetes is a complex disease. Parrish Healthcare’s Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist, Peggy McLaughlin, RN, welcomes you to this free community education class to answer questions you ...
View DetailsPlease join us for a special play day for children ages five and under! For questions, or to register, please contact Mary Cancel at 321-292-1370.
View DetailsIf you, or someone you care for, received a diagnosis or experienced a stroke or heart attack, our caring community is here for you. Our group is led by Janet Rooks, a clinical social worker from Senior Solutions and Senior Consultation Center.
View DetailsThis group is for mothers with babies birth to six months. During this time, we'll talk about infant feeding, sleeping, milestones, car seats, play, development, birth control, post-partum care, post-partum depression, dietary needs and more. Event ...
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