Mrs. B's Story
- Author: Mrs. B
- Date Submitted: Dec 26, 2017
- Category: Sleep Disorders Center

As care partners of Parrish Healthcare, our mission - "Healing Experiences for Everyone All the Time" - doesn’t stop at the end of our workday. It isn’t a coat that we put on when we arrive at work and take off before going home. It is who we are and what we do. The following is another example of a care partner living our mission.
Michele Roberge, a care partner at the Sleep Disorders Center, went to the home of a patient, Mrs. B, to deliver a CPAP machine. Michele found Mrs. B sitting at her dining table, the only furniture in the entire house.
Mrs. B had recently moved into the home. Due to the costs of various deposits and other moving expenses, Mrs. B had no money for furnishings. Mrs. B explained that she had been sleeping on the floor. Mrs. B went on to say, “I’m so happy to be in my own home sweet home, I don’t mind sleeping on the floor for a while.”
But, Michele minded. She said, “I’ve known Mrs. B for years; it broke my heart to see her so happy in an empty house.” Michele went to Facebook and asked if anyone had any furniture they no longer wanted and were willing to part with. “The response was incredible; there are some very caring and generous people in our community.”
When Michele was finished, Mrs. B had a complete bedroom set, a sofa, a love seat, a TV, and other home decor. Mrs. B was overwhelmed. She kept saying over and over, “I can’t believe this; I am so blessed.”
Michele is in good company at the Sleep Disorders Center. Here are some comments from patients about other care partners at the center:
- Marietta Rode is awesome! I was afraid; her kind, encouraging words calmed me.
- Alan Marcotte was especially courteous. He explained everything answering all my questions.
- Maria Stangl’s personality and positive attitude had a direct impact on my experience.
- Laurence Fabre was compassionate to my needs. She treated me with gentle hands.
- Danieliza Juniis-Johnson is a great help in caring for Spanish speaking patients. Many thanks.
- Kim Sidor made sure I got the proper breathing machine for my advanced COPD. Now I can breathe easy at home.