Meg's Story
- Author: Meg H.
- Date Submitted: Dec 26, 2017
- Category: Sleep Disorders Center

Thank you for last night. I am so grateful that I chose PSJ for my sleep study. After listening to others, including those at last night's session, I value the advice and advocacy that you and the entire Sleep Center have provided to me. It began with just being lucky enough to have Holly with me my first night and being able to schedule with her for the second night as well. A friend suggested it was kinda "creepy" to have someone watch you sleep. I found it to be comforting to have Holly watching over me, giving such care and support. Then you called with my results. You were so knowledgeable and reassuring in answering my questions and providing insight into this entire medical process. When I brought in my CPAP card for the download, Arianne was so patient and informative in explaining what the pages and pages of printouts meant. And then you allowed me to test-drive some different masks to help me find the one best suited to me. You know that I am very motivated to comply with the requirements of my apnea treatment, but I know that I lucked out in having Parrish PSJ as my medical mentor.