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Ghost and Goblins Beware

  • Category: Community
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  • Written By: David Marquez
Ghost and Goblins Beware

It is that time of the year when ghost, goblins and superheroes would knock door to door seeking a special treat for their loot bag. It is a memorable evening of fun. Halloween, as we see it today, initially started in the early 50’s where children would dress up in their spookiest costumes and says the famous phrase, “trick or treat.” Halloween is a time for kids to show off their favorite character as they laugh and play, and then return home to their new treasures. It is one of America’s great family traditions. However, in a world of confusion and COVID-19 public restrictions, children may not understand why things are so different, which poses many challenges for parents. Today, families might ponder the question; “it is” or “is it not” a good idea to celebrate Halloween. If you ask scientists or medical professionals their opinion about participating in the celebration, would always be based on the pandemic catastrophe we are facing today. It is important to note that every state has different rules and regulations to follow. However, if you and your family will be participating, then PMC Safety and Security would like to share some important safety tips to consider.

Safety Tips:

  1. Continue to wear a mask: Many costumes might have some type of mask, but it is best to use the mask recommended by the CDC. Be creative with the mask, but make sure the mask is used at every area you might visit.
  2. Walk in groups with an adult: Go early and avoid going in the dark. It is always best to walk in groups with an adult that will guild our characters safely from house to house; and street to street.
  3. Visibility in the dark: Some costumes are dark and hard to see at night. This can pose as a problem for drivers. Make sure all kids have a flashlight. Another alternative to flashlights would be buying “glow-stick” for the wrist or attached to the costume.
  4. Sanitize: Keep your group together and sanitize those goblin hands as you go from place to place. Remember, you never know who put their hands into that candy bucket, tray or bag.
  5. Beware of strangers: Keep the group together and create a buddy system. Teach the kids to think “Stranger Danger.” Establish a password with the trick or treaters. Unless the stranger knows the password, tell the kids to get away from that person and to yell out loud, “HELP-STOP-STRANGER!!!
  6. TIME TO EAT GOODIES: For the most part, after a common safe night of Trick-or-Treat do not let your guard down. Practice safety by inspecting edible items. Making sure edible products are properly sealed. You may wipe the packaging, toys, and coins with sanitizer wipes. Discard any open candies or treats.

These are just a few safety tips we are offering, but you can get more information online by using the link below. Together we can keep our ghost and goblins safe and happy for years to come.
