The Art of Presence
- Author: Melanie Hallum
- Date Submitted: Dec 26, 2017
- Category: Care Partner Stories

I am more than “just a patient.”
I am not my health condition – diabetic; heart failure; frequent flyer; gallbladder…
I am important.
I have a story; it’s the story of my life.
Understanding that every person has a story and that every person deserves to feel important is at the heart of our mission—Healing Experiences for Everyone all the Time®. A proven way to fulfill our mission, with every person, all the time, is by perfecting “The Art of Presence”— being consciously and compassionately in the present moment with another, believing in and affirming their potential for healing wherever they are in life.
Melanie Hallum, pre-admission RN, practices “The Art of Presence” in her daily work.
“Both my husband and I would like to mention how pleased we were with Melanie Hallum, my pre-admission nurse. This lady was kind, knowledgeable, comforting, and very professional at all times. She didn’t make us feel like we were on a production line, and when we left we felt fully informed about my upcoming surgery. She never made me feel rushed and she certainly put me ‘at ease’… Thank you for having her at your facility.” – Wes and Linda N.
The secret to Melanie’s presence?
- Melanie was kind.
- Melanie was comforting; professional.
- Melanie didn’t make them feel like they were on a production line.
- She never made them feel rushed. And she put them at ease.
If you want to make a person feel important or cared about, practice “The Art of Presence.”