Symbol of Excellence
- Author: Sue Gadel
- Date Submitted: Dec 26, 2017
- Category: Care Partner Stories

From grade school to the workplace, the gold star is a symbol of excellence. Earning five stars means you have achieved the highest level of excellence. We know from our own experiences and our own personal expectations for excellence what it takes to earn that level of praise.
That’s why when we received a card about the healing work of EVS care partner Sue Gadel that was signed with no name, but with five hand-drawn hearts, it was significant. The card simply said, “Sue is so thorough, professional and kind. She went above and beyond when cleaning my patients’ rooms. This hospital could not run well without her.” Then the five hearts were drawn.
The words were simple, but the meaning deep. Replacing gold stars with hearts. That’s what our mission, vision and values are all about. It’s about putting heart into everything we do on behalf of the people, patients, family and community we so proudly serve. And, it’s about providing healing experiences for everyone all the time at levels that touch people’s hearts.
Likely, the care partner who wrote the card saw Sue’s commitment, dedication and passion for her healing work over some period of time before writing the card. It takes every care partner to always bring their commitment, dedication and passion to work because our work is healing work.
From ensuring a clean and clutter-free environment to ensuring the grounds, plumbing, electrical and mechanical systems are operating smoothly, to every facet of our integrated care network—our work is healing work!