An Angel on Earth
- Author: Colton
- Date Submitted: Feb 1, 2024
- Category: Healing Experiences

"They call Theo their “Angel on Earth” because of her steady hand and sweet spirit."
Colton was living the life of a typical 8-year-old—attending school, playing soccer and spending time with friends. That all changed on the night Colton woke up screaming with leg pain. Colton’s parents, Becky and Adam, thought it was growing pains. However, the pain persisted.
Colton’s doctor suspected Osgood-Schlatter disease, an inflammation below the knee, common in children who sprout up quickly. However, it was soon determined that it was more serious.
Colton was diagnosed with a streptococcus infection that settled into a benign tumor in his hip. Colton needed a series of antibiotic treatments. To ensure they were clearing the infection, he needed many blood tests over a period of time.
Getting your blood drawn frightens most adults. For children, like Colton, it can be terrifying. It was important to Becky, Colton’s mom, to find the right place for these blood draws. Becky chose to go to Parrish Healthcare Center at Titus Landing for help.
Although pediatric blood draws are not normally performed at the Titus Landing location, when phlebotomist Theo Hamilton heard Colton’s story and saw the desperation in his mom’s eyes, she knew she could help and she did.
To ease his fears, Theo asked if she could pray with Colton. This began their relationship. Theo prayed with Colton then and before every blood draw thereafter.
Colton has had two surgeries and many visits to Theo. The family believes they were blessed to find Theo. They call Theo their “Angel on Earth” because of her steady hand and sweet spirit.
Colton’s ninth birthday was approaching and Theo reached out to the family to say she had been thinking of Colton and had a birthday present for him. Her thoughtfulness was deeply appreciated by the family. On Colton’s birthday, the family visited Theo and she was able to give Colton his birthday present. And, Colton presented Theo with a gift too. It was a drawing that he sketched—a picture of an angel, an angel he called Theo.