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Moore Appointed To Brevard Health Alliance Board

Parrish Medical Center Chief Information Officer Bill Moore, CPHIMS, has been appointed to the Brevard Health Alliance (BHA) board of directors.

Moore has more than 20 years of diverse technology experience, including 20 years in the U.S. Air Force and progressive leadership positions in both the private and healthcare sectors. Mr. Moore earned a Master of Science and Bachelor of Science in Management from Troy State University, and is a Certified Professional in Healthcare Information and Management Systems (CPHIMS).

The BHA is Brevard County’s only organization providing primary care services to Brevard citizens regardless of ability to pay for those services. Since 2005, the BHA has offered primary care, diagnostic, case management, medication assistance, and specialty referral services to economically disadvantaged citizens on a sliding fee scale. Discounted fees are available based on income and family size. BHA participates with Health First Health Plans, Medicare, Medicaid and Florida Healthy Kids. For information about BHA visit or call 321-639-5177.