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Jill's Story

  • Author: Jill B.
  • Date Submitted: Dec 26, 2017
  • Category: Patient Testimonial

"I am forever grateful to my doctors, Marsha, Sego’s, and all the PMC care partners who provided me with loving care throughout this journey."

I’ve never been more terrified in my entire life than when my doctor told me I had breast cancer. The fear of the unknown was the worst. Am I going to die? Will I make it through surgery? Can I handle chemotherapy? Will I lose all my hair? These are just a few of the hundreds of questions racing through my mind.

Within days of finding a suspicious lump, I was contacted by Marsha Richardson, the Breast Health Navigator at Parrish Medical Center (PMC). She helped ease my fears and guided me through the process. When I lost all my hair due to the chemotherapy, Marsha was there with support. She invited me to the Cancer Care Boutique on PMC’s fifth floor where I was able to get a few scarves, a wig and a lymphedema sleeve to help with the swelling. Thanks to your gifts and PMC’s partnership with Sego’s Home Medical Equipment, these items were provided at no charge, which was a huge relief.

After a long and scary journey consisting of two surgeries, 12 weeks of chemotherapy and 33 days of radiation, I am now cancer-free.

I am forever grateful to my doctors, Marsha, Sego’s, and all the PMC care partners who provided me with loving care throughout this journey. It’s a journey that no one should go alone, and thankfully, no one has to because of the wonderful resources available at PMC. Please know your gifts are healing gifts!