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Leigh's Story

  • Author: Leigh
  • Date Submitted: Jan 23, 2023
  • Category: Care Partner Stories

"With Parrish’s help, we served over 407 children in Brevard County with wishes this holiday season. Over 100 of those children were served by Parrish directly!"

With Parrish’s help, we served over 407 children in Brevard County with wishes this holiday season.

Over 100 of those children were served by Parrish directly!

The donated funds helped us shop for our teens and it made a HUGE difference to have staff attend that event.

They know the kids so well and were really able to select individualized items.

Thank you and your team for bringing HOPE to so many this holiday season.

We are truly blessed to have a community that cares and Parrish is leading the way.