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David's Story

  • Author: David
  • Date Submitted: Mar 6, 2020
  • Category: Cardiovascular Programs

"Thank you so much for the care you provided to Dave during his time at Parrish Medical Center.

From the time my husband Dave entered the Emergency Room to the date of release, your staff was professional, caring and concerned about Dave's health. Through the use of the impella device, everyone at Parrish Medical Center truly helped Dave heal. The use of technology along with balancing all aspects of care, we truly believe in the care provided to him, said Faith Hane.

There were so many wonderful professionals that assisted to get Dave back on his feet and we don't want to miss thanking anyone, however we so appreciate Dr. Rene Celis for all he has done with his expertise in helping Dave to get better along with the team of doctors that continue to care for Dave.

A huge thank you to all and keep up the Art of Healing!"